Tuesday, February 7, 2017

There's a new Coach on the team!

With the elevation of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education, it appears that it is no longer pay to play. Now it has become pay to coach!

Saturday, February 4, 2017

A new Puppeteer

I have always found solace in the assumption that we would never have to endure another Presidential puppeteer as degenerate as Dick Cheney. With the ascension of Steve Bannon to the role of Geppetto, I fear that I have been proven wrong. The problem is that Pinocchio's nose does not grow in accordance with the story!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Nine Year Olds and Uzis

Just saw the tragic story of the 9 year old that accidently shot her shooting instructor. While I’ll let the rest of the blogosphere chastise all those involved with that decision, it does rekindle my thoughts on gun control and the 2nd amendment to the Constitution.  You may recall the furor after the Connecticut school shooting and the debate in our nation’s Capital over the meaning of the 2nd amendment and how some measures to control or monitor gun ownership stacked up against the right to bear arms.

In order to speak somewhat intelligently on the issue, I actually looked up what the 2nd amendment says (Something everyone should do, by the way).  Although there is some discrepancy about punctuation, I think it is pretty clear that the right to bear arms was established in order to insure that a State could raise a militia in the event that a neighboring state or maybe the Federal government got feisty.

While this may have been germane in the days when your crew with your flintlocks could stand up to George and his boys and their flintlocks, I think everyone would agree that times and situations have changed. The only thing akin to a State militia these days is the National Guard. Last time I looked, this was no longer a BYO Gun organization. So I don’t think the militia argument holds up in modern times.

The same holds true for the real crazies as well. You know the ones who insist that they be allowed to own any and all types and number of armaments in case our Government turns oppressive and they have to defend the old homestead. Again, I think we can all agree that the invasion of a repressive US Government is a highly unlikely scenario. But even given this situation, I don’t care how many 50 calibers you own. If the Obama boys decide to drop a Cruise missile down your chimney you’re pretty much toast.

I think it’s time, again, to take a look at some reasonable approach to gun control in this country. I am certainly not opposed to gun ownership per say. Shooting for sport, whether you’re a hunter or a target shooter is a perfectly reasonable pastime. Owning a gun for personal protection is a right that everyone who is so inclined should have. But despite the arguments put forward by the mouthpiece for the gun manufacturers, the NRA, there is no reasonable basis for demanding that everyone be entitled to ownership of weapons designed for only one purpose, killing each other as rapidly as possible.
Until Next Time
The OC

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Investigate Rice. Really!

Read today where Republican's want to start a Watergate style investigation of UN Ambassador Rice because of statements she made about the Bengazi attacks based on information she received from the State Department. Really? How about a Watergate style investigation of the exagerations and outright lies spouted at the UN that supposedly justified the Iraq War! Come on guys. Lets get our priorities straight, stop the partisan bickering and get back to work doing something that actually does some good for the American people!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Same Sex Marriage: A Real Issue?

Congratulations to President Obama on his recent declaration of support for same sex marriages( SSM). A politically astute move. Anyone who is against SSM or even gives it much thought wasn't an Obama supporter to begin with. His base is pleased with no real down side!

Perhaps instead of the railing against the evils of homosexual unions we should be investigating the general failure of the institution of heterosexual marriage in the US. Yes, we have the highest divorce rate in the world! You would be better off betting on the flip of a coin than you would be putting your money on the success of your niece's marrage!

How about we get away from knee jerk issues designed to rile up the electorate and take a hard look at some issues that really matter to our society.

Until next time

The OC

Sunday, March 11, 2012


And so I begin my first foray into the modern blogosphere!

Having never ventured here before nor actually ever attempted to put thoughts to paper, all reading this will have to forgive my errors, in form, language and syntax.

My opinions are my own, influenced by my education, interests, outrages and peccadilloes. Read, respond, ignore, whatever your pleasure. I hope to prick your interest and perhaps institute some spirited discussions. I don’t anticipate nor expect agreement in all areas. What I do expect, however, is a reasonable, intelligent discussion without vitriol. If you are a zealot, regardless of your leanings, and cannot have a reasonable discussion of issues without hate, threats or insults then please spare us your wisdom and travel to one of the myriad of sites designed for self fulfilling arguments.

I should, perhaps, start by explaining why I chose now to start The Occasional Curmudgeon (hereinafter, The OC). The direct answer is, I don’t know. Perhaps I have reached the stage in life where my gray hairs and arthritic joints entitle me to claim the title. The passing of well known curmudgeons like Andy Rooney and Christopher Hitchens perhaps inspired me a bit, although I don’t pretend to try to fill their sizable shoes.
More than likely, it is because our society is filled to overflowing with extreme positions supported by extreme “news” organizations and talking heads. A society where people don’t gather facts and listen to opinions on all sides before making a rational decision. Rather, we develop a mindset based on sound bites and half truths and then surround ourselves with “news” and commentary that spins the truth and presents only those “facts” that support our preconceived position.
I hope that the existence of the OC will be one small step to move the cultural and political discourse in a more reasonable and balanced direction. Anyway, the venting will make me feel better!

That said, I am sure much of the discussion on these pages will revolve around extreme positions taken by public figures, particularly because one of my pet peeves the hypocrisy displayed thereby. I do hope, however, that all topics, political, cultural, and social will be explored.

Secondly, I should explain the origin of the name, The Occasional Curmudgeon.
"Occasional " should in no way be interpreted as a belief on my part that I am a reasonably sensitive individual on most occasions and only drift into curmodgeonry from time to time. No, far from it. I think most who know me would attest on whatever book of holiness they would choose that curmudgeonry remains with me daily. No, the "Occasional" stems from the aversion to commit to these pages on a regular basis. The Daily Curmudgeon or the Weekly Curmudgeon would instill, I fear, an anticipation of these pages of wisdom on a regularly scheduled basis.
While I am sure that posts to these pages will be eagerly awaited by all, I am unwilling to predict or define the periodicity of their release. My hope is that the spirited debates of others will serve to sate the hunger of the participants until new topics of interest are opened and explored.

Until then my friends, be well.

The OC